Horsemanship Clinics at KarMik Acres
KarMik Acres’ mission is to help individuals realize their potential through fine horsemanship. We host horsemanship clinics on site and off depending on the size of the clinic and have been hosting clinics since 2002. Our clinics have included clinicians such as Martin Black, Mark Russell, Jillian Kreinbring, Joe Wolter, Buck Brannaman, Dr. Deb Bennett and many others.
As the years pass and we encounter more and more clinicians, we’ve decided to dedicate our time and facility to a few that we can really stand behind. Over the last few years we have made the decision to dedicate our time and resources to help promote the sport of Working Equitation. Since this requires a great deal of our time we have held only clinics that support that effort. The fine clinicians we have been fortunate enough to work with over the years have helped us develop the foundation of our successful Working Equitation program.
All of our on site clinics are limited to a maximum of 10-12 riders with unlimited spectator space. Pre-registration is required for both auditors and spectators. Email us directly for rider registration and for spectator tickets, please pay securely online through PayPal on each clinician’s page.
General Rider Information:
Riding in a clinic is an awesome experience for both you and your horse. It can be stressful for both so we try to make you and your horse as comfortable as possible so you can focus on learning. Our stalls are safe, rubber matted and 12 x 12′ or larger. We have both an indoor arena (70 x 170′) and a grass outdoor (120′ x 220′). Both arenas have plenty of space for 12 riders. We intentionally limit the number of riders in each clinic. We’ve found over the years that smaller groups allow participants the best learning environment and exposure for their horses. It gives the clinicians the ability to provide one on one attention. The larger clinics make that difficult.
We require a current coggins and release forms signed and sent in prior to each clinic. Release forms will be emailed to you along with detailed information on each clinic.
Spectator/Auditor Information:
Watching a clinician before taking the plunge to ride with them is often the best way to go. This gives you an opportunity to see if your learning style matches their teaching style. There is much to be learned from watching all the horse and rider pairs. Spectating gives you a no-pressure environment to learn and meet new like-minded people. We always have a great time during our clinics and often go to dinner as a group. Anyone who is a student of the horse is welcome here.
• PLEASE make sure to check in and receive your name tag each day you attend.
• Please bring a lunch and any refreshments you need during the clinic. There are also local restaurants you can get a quick lunch at.
• Please NO DOGS. Strange dogs upset our dogs. Please respect this request.
• Please NO SMOKING in or around the barn areas.
• Chairs available but you are welcome to bring your own.
• Clinics typically start times will vary. Notifications will be sent out or listed on each event page.
• Team KarMik Members are welcome at almost all events (unless otherwise noted) at a 50% discounted rate. Private lessons excluded.
• Photo and video taking vary by clinician – please ask prior to shooting any video.
Most of all – have fun and learn a ton! This is why we bring in these top notch clinicians.
Please call or email us with any questions about any upcoming clinics.